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Social Media

Pictures of cute babies, oh! Harry is getting married, next post, this time a commercial for dog toys (by the way, how do they know I need them? We adopted Rocky only one week ago), another meme… and so a few minutes after getting up in the morning. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?

We treat social media a little bit differently – it is us who know you have just adopted Rocky! Okay, being serious – you know very well how much time people spend on social platforms. Being aware of it, too, we can use it to the advantage of our clients and ourselves.

We operate:

  • Facebook,
  • Facebook Ads,
  • Instagram,
  • Linked In,
  • Tik Tok.

Through social media, we help our customers scale sales in their companies and develop their brands, so they fulfill image function and bring a great involvement of the viewers for the shared content – all of these are made meticulously with innate effectiveness and Vikings’ commitment.

So, if everybody nowadays uses social media, and before making purchase decisions clients very often tend to check your company’s profile, why not take care of making it a magnet for customers?

SocialVikings knows exactly how to manage your company’s profile to achieve the goals we will set together.